The Bairn Necessities

This year, NUS Scotland Women's Officer Angela Alexander will work to help member Students' Associaitons bring about progress on the issues faced by student parents. Some of these issues were highlighted by our Bairn Necessities report, published in June 2016. 

You can read the full report here and see some of the press coverage it recieved when it launched here.  


There are a number of resources that can be used to support you in campaigning around the issues raised in the Bairn Necessities report.

*NEW* resources: student parents on your campus taking the lead 

Following the launch of NUS Scotland's Bairn Necessities report in June 2016 we've created a workshop that you can use during a meeting of student parents on your campus. The workshop talks you through the research methods of the report, the headline findings and the recommendations that were made. The workshop then goes on to look at how you can campaign to improve the student experience for parents on your campus - with student parents at the heart of leading the campaign. Download the resources for the workshop here: