Student Support Review

Following NUS Scotland’s successful Shaping Scotland’s Future campaign during the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, the Scottish Government commissioned an independent review of student support. In line with NUS Scotland’s priorities, the review group is looking at the financial support available to students across FE and HE in Scotland.

The review is now at its consultation stage, and we want as many of our members as possible to respond to the consultation, which closes on Thursday 31st August.

This review has the potential to create the most fundamental changes to student support that we’ve seen in decades – and we need to ensure that students views are at the centre of this change.

To help with your consultation, we’ve pulled together a briefing document, which outlines what we’re saying, as well as giving background to the review and providing useful references. You can choose to respond however suits you, whether it’s a word document, as we are, or by answering the online survey.

You can find NUS Scotland’s response here, but don’t feel the need to write anything as long as we have! What’s important is getting your key points across.

If you have any questions, just email our president Luke, or Press and Influencing Officer Fergus