Charter for Student Rights on Mental Health

In the year ahead, the Scottish Government is calling for all of Scotland’s colleges and universities to develop a mental health strategy and ensure services are in place that are sensitive to the varying needs of students.

The Charter for Student Rights on Mental Health has been developed as a result of conversations with student representatives from across Scotland, who see day in, day out, the impact of mental ill health on students. They told us what worked and what didn’t, what helped students to succeed in education and what may cause students to consider dropping out.

The Charter outlines ten rights that students believe underpin a positive mental health model at Scotland’s universities and colleges:

  1. A learning environment free from discrimination and stigma
  2. Students as equal partners in shaping mental health support
  3. A holistic approach to mental health
  4. Enjoy social media without fear of hate
  5. Know where to go for help
  6. Mental health support which meets the needs of the diverse student population
  7. A staff body that is confident in supporting their mental health
  8. Mental health support without barriers
  9. Support even if their circumstances change
  10. Effective suicide prevention and postvention

Download the Charter for Student Rights on Mental Health here.