This year, launching in Black History Month, we're showcasing the experiences of Black* students across Scotland and what being Black means to you.
#beingBlackmeans is designed to showcase the diversity and the intersectionality of our identities, the campaign which is being launched during Black History Month will run throughout the academic year.
#beingBlackmeans allows students' associations, student groups and individual students to submit their photo and quote about what being Black* means to them. Your submission will become part of an online exibition (see below) of Black students all across Scotland both on this website and later in the academic year there will be physically showcase of our experiences as part of the wider #beingBlackmeans campaign.
Once your picture is uploaded you can then Tweet your images on #beingBlackmeans or download the images to print them out and showcase on your campus.
Feel free to be spontaneous about your quote, it can be anything from #beingBlackmeans:
…having family spread all around the world, ….loving pounded Yam, …studying biomedical engineering, …fighting for social justice, …knowing more than two languages, to …being able to distinguish a weave from a wig …anything really - it’s all up to you!
To submit your own and become part of #beingBlackmeans - send your name, photograph, and what #beingBlackmeans to you to!
* Black, spelled with a capital B, stands for politically Black, a term that aims to include all students of African, Asian, Arab, Caribbean and Latin American decent and strives for global unity and solidarity.