Holding a course rep event

Running a course rep event during the year can ensure that you:

  • Keep abreast of reps' feedback throughout the year.
  • Have a chance to come together and network with other reps inside and outside of their course.
  • Exchange information and ideas and get a better understanding of what the shared issues are.

Regular events can reinvigorate course reps enthusiasm throughout the year as well as refresh their skills and knowledge after training.

Our tips...

  • See if any other local universities or college want to run a course rep training day too, and share your resources.
  • If you can't get funding for the event, ask the university for things they might be able to offer for free e.g. a space on their website to advertise the conference, freebies, the venue for your event or administrative or marketing advice. Don't forget to make the benefit of the feedback that you'll receive at the event clear how it will benefit them.
  • Contact a member of the Quality and Student Engagement Team- we might be able to help to you by running sessions, giving you advice on the planning of your event, helping you plan sessions or even provide you with resources for your reps.
  • Follow up on the feedback - ensure you circulate a summary of key themes discussed, and how the institution responded to them and what the union will do with them.
  • Get students to comment on how much they enjoyed the event (e.g. don't forget your feedback forms!) You can use your successful event feedback from students to prove the case for additional funding for a future event, or even a new member of staff or more resources to keep improving your course rep system!