The Student Engagement Partnership was a collaboration between the National Union of Students and the Higher Education sector. We were funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), Guild HE and the Association of Colleges (AoC) with additional funding provided by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for specific projects around quality assurance and enhancement.
The Partnership supported and influenced both local and national student engagement activity and:
- Acted as a central point for staff working in HE providers and students’ unions (SU) wishing to develop or improve their local student engagement activity;
- Supported institutions to develop effective ways of engaging with all students, with a particular focus on hard to reach groups and students less likely to be engaged;
- Assisted its core funders in meeting their aims to promote student engagement and to provide a resource to assist the wider HE sector and Government in developing knowledge of issues related to student engagement and partnership at sector and national level
The Student Engagement Partnership is no longer running, but feel free to access the many resources the project created.