Equality in Education

The disadvantage and the systematic exclusion and marginalisation of the Black perspective in education are symptomatic of the barriers that restrict many Black students in their struggle to reach their goals.

The NUS Black Students' campaign focuses on narrowing the attainment gap, addressing the lack of Black academic representation and to towards an inclusive and representative curriculum.

 Race for Equality

There has always been a strong correlation between education and achieving success in life. This lesson has been understood by generations of Black people and explains the massive increase in Black students’ participation in education.

However, institutional racism has embedded itself in our education system and Black students continue to face inequality, as shown in this report. Our findings not only illustrate the challenges Black students face in further education (FE) and higher education (HE), but also provide a damning account of education prior to further and higher education.

This report is a powerful account of the daily experiences of Black students and is an important resource in influencing change.

 The Experience of Black and Minority Ethnic staff in HE in England

This research by the Equality Challenge Unit explores the lived experiences of BME staff, and how institutional policy and practice may affect BME staff differently from white staff.

 This report emphasises how the lived experience of discrimination damages individual lives, suffocates talent and fundamentally undermines the very purpose and efficiency of higher education institutions.  

The recommendations in this report point the way to areas of best practice. 

 Moving On: An Employability Guide for BME Students and Graduates 

Across the UK, black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) graduates are making a vital contribution to the work of every sector.

The majority of employers recognise the benefits of diversity in the workplace and it is important that students’ and graduates’ ambitions are not limited by any form of discrimination.

This booklet aims to give you the information that will help you to find employers who value diversity. We’ll tell you what you need to know about your legal rights, the options open to you and direct you to reliable sources of more information.