Further Education

Here you’ll find our library of research and reports into further education.

Practice made perfect (2017)
NUS has conducted research into students' opinions of work experience in order to help inform the debate over how to best develop work experience opportunities as part of the Post-16 Skills Plan. DOWNLOAD NOW >
Students Shaping the Post-16 Skills Plan (2017)
In response to Area Reviews, the Sainsbury Review and Post 16 Skills Plan, NUS and Vince Cable MP have worked with students across England to produce this report to influence the political agenda and public consciousness on reforms to the FE and Skills Sector. . DOWNLOAD NOW >
National Society of Apprentices Travel Research: Key findings (2014)
An investigation into the cost’s apprentices pay in travel expenses and they impact this has on their daily lives. DOWNLOAD NOW >
Related publications:
When IAG Grow Up (2014) 
NUS and LSIS (2012) Complex needs, complex choices: The role of Career