As with all areas of work we have had to priortise our international activity into those areas where we hope we can make the most impact. Our strategic approach is necessarily long term as developing proactive partnerships at a global level takes time and patience. We have focussed our work on
You can read our long-term strategy as agreed by the NUSUK Trustee Board here.
Our approach makes a clear statement that we can only tackle the problems and challenges of the future through working together and many of the challenges we face as students and citizens do not stop at borders. Helping to create a generation of internationally literate graduates through our work with the International Students Campaign and our international partners aligns us with those working to create a more connected society that can stand against isolationism, racism, xenophobia and the corrosive influence of populist demagogues. You can read more about why international relations are important for students’ and students’ unions here.
You can also read about the progress that has been made so far with the strategy here.